Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Q: What can I donate other than money?
A: Many items are able to be donated! See the list below:
Securities, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds (CRA gives an extra benefit for donations of investments… you get a receipt for the Fair Market Value on the donation date and you can exclude the capital gain on your tax return)
Land, buildings or equipment
Items from the inventory of a business
House, cottage or any other real property
Life insurance policy
Jewellery, stamps or coins
Prints, etchings, drawings, paintings, sculptures, or other similar works of art
RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan), RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fund) or TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account)
Donations made through a will (a special benefit is available as the estate can claim the charitable tax credit in the year of death with any unused portion available to carry back to the previous tax year of the deceased)
Q: How much of a tax credit will I get for donating?
A: For the 1st $199 donation, your tax credit value is 24.7%, however, your tax credit increases to 47% for every $1 you donate over the 1st $199.
Here are some examples of the income tax credit earned for various annual donation amounts in NB:
Total of Donations
For The Year Tax Credit*
· $50 $12 (24%)
· $200 $49 (24%)
· $500 $190 (38%)
· $1,000 $425 (43%)
· $2,500 $1,129 (45%)
· $5,000 $2,303 (46%)
· $10,000 $4,650 (47%)
·Donations made by a spouse or common law partner may be combined and claimed on one return
·Unclaimed donations may be carried forward for up to five years
* The tax credit or value means the additional amount of your refund (or decrease in the amount you pay) for federal and provincial income taxes for that year.
Q: What methods of payment can I use to Donate?
A: We accept payment through a variety of methods​
Email Money Transfer (EMT) - You can send an EMT to Please also send a quick email to the address above with your Name, Address and Phone Number so we can send you the tax receipt
Online - Click on this link to make an online donation right away. Our secure service provider is PayPal, however you do not need a PayPal account to check out using this method
Cheque or Money Order - Drop off or mail your cheque to HRAA, 10 Porter Rd, Nauwigewauk, NB, E5N 6X1. Please include your email, home address and phone number.
Cash - You can drop off a cash donation at our offices. Contact us at to set up a time
Credit Card - Give us a call at 506-832-1230 or 506-645-1698 to make a payment over the phone by credit card